September 26, 2023
While watching numerous Irmo Town Council meetings from the 2022 and 2023 time frame, looking for “who said what”, I ran across a couple things that made me laugh. Thought I would share them.
At the November 15, 2022 Irmo Town Council Meeting while discussing the purchases (1:6:15 mark) of tasers, Mayor Walker states that he didn’t know tasers quit working, etc. It was mentioned by, I believe, the Town Administrator, that some of the tasers were originally purchased in the 2004, 2005 time frame. At the 1:6:40 mark Barry states “that was before Barry”. Actually Barry got elected in a special election in April 2004, elected to a full term in November 2005. So he was most likely serving at the time of these taser purchases, if they were purchased after April of 2004 and before November of 2005.
In that same discussion when it is explained that tasers get outdated as do iphones, etc. Barry stated at the 1:7:50 mark that we (the Town) was now on iphone 29. Really, I am one of the most non-technical persons I know, but I do know the latest iphone is the iphone 15.
He should really shy away from trying to be humorous, it’s not working for him. But, I did laugh.