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Kneeling, standing, For prayer

A friend asked me a question the other day on a Facebook meme I had posted about the man on the cross with Jesus when he was crucified. His question was “I’ve wondered something a long time. In your years on council, everyone is asked to stand to pray? Now in my religion we always kneel before God. And I do. Do you have a comment about this topic? “

Now before I get into this topic, let’s look at his statement and question. It starts with “I wondered “which eludes to his thinking, pondering and I am honored that he asked me to help him here. But I also understand by the entire statement that this is a set up, for arguing only. But will respond because I enjoy this. “Wonder something a long term “, again honored and grateful to help, but we’ve known each other a while and he never divulged to me in person that he had this “stuck theology “on this issue. But again, happy to help my friend move forward in his life.

“In your years on council “is a slight of hand statement ,not really important to the issue about standing, other than being an example, which could be stated just as easy “at council meetings people are asked..“. But I will take it in stride where he was coming from, disregarding the agenda here. Then ends with “To stand to pray? “

Not in agreement with “everyone is asked to stand to pray “or for that matter stand for prayer. To stand to pray is more of a command, which not sure that is how I did it, nor others. But a presumptive statement by him without proof or evidence. which is his tactical way of handling or starting an argument, Causing one to debate a position that is not a factual position, just to argue. 

Now a “ stand for prayer “may not be much different, but it is less demanding. Basically asking others to stand (out of respect) while someone is praying, not stand TO pray. One denotes “stand to “as an order. One denotes “stand for “as a respect for the action of others. Also he ends that statement with a ?, when there was no question asked, only a statement or an observation. Again I will move on and help him with his non-understanding of kneeling or standing and praying, etc.

“Now in my religion we always kneel before God. And I do. “ I have asked multiple times what is your religion and still to date no answer. So I do question what is his religion, as you most likely did as well and yet no answer to such a simple question. Makes me wonder too, not for a long time, however . But all this is nothing but distractions or fodder, since it is only a set up for him to argue my faith.

But let’s look at “ we always kneel…And I do.“ There are religions that kneel before God for prayer and biblical references for doing so. There are many Biblical references to standing and praying as well. There is the story of the Pharisee praying on the street corner and the other man praying “Father forgive me a sinner “. Which one in your opinion was God more impressed with, both are standing,not kneeling. Yes, in my opinion the one admitting he needed God and his own shortcomings.

In some churches and sometimes in that same church, you are asked to stand while the word is read and to stand while praying. Other times and or other churches, not. And yes some churches have kneeling pads in the pews and up front for communion, some don’t. Is one more religious, more accurate to God’s teaching? Does pews or fold up chairs mean more to God, does standing, kneeling mean more to God as opposed to bowing your head during prayer.

If kneeling only counts, does that mean I can’t pray while driving, while walking my dog, climbing a ladder, taking a shower, laying in bed at night or in the morning when I rise. what if I am disabled or old and can’t get on my knees. Should I refuse to pray, stop praying or pray twice as long to make up for not getting on my knees.

Jesus said the time is coming when it will no longer matter whether you worship the Father on the mountain or in Jerusalem. Praying is a form of worship, so it doesn’t matter where or how, not according to Jesus, nor God, since they are one in the same. and everything above, that he has asked or said leads to this point for his post. My Faith says they are, his I believe from my understanding and prior conversations with him, says they are not.

Our posture or position while praying it’s not important, but the position or attitude of our heart is what is important. The position or posture of your body is just that. Yes kneeling denotes humbleness and if you can kneel, depending upon ability and space, that is great, if you can’t praying is more important.

The actual actions of kneeling and bowing of the head has lots of meanings in that action alone. And that is a whole study into itself. But communicating with God is obedience and that is more important to God than even sacrifices. Depending upon which religion and if it believes in God in the first place, not a statue or an ideology, which isn’t a god but an idol. so yes again what religion you follow could make a difference to someone, maybe?

To answer the only actual question he asked ,my answer is no,I do have a comment. None of this has anything to do with my or his religion. However, prayer is about relationship with God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I now wonder, if he kneeled, at the council meetings he attended????

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