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Don’t forget to vote

Yes, it has been very quiet this Irmo election. Some even ask, is there, or who is running? Is he “that guy “, is he really running? What’s going on? 

Well, let’s talk about this. Yes, there is an election for Irmo Town Council next Tuesday the 27th. Yes, there are two candidates running, Gabriel Penfield and George Frazier. Yes, George is “that guy“who lied on his filing papers in the November 2023 election and didn’t live in town when he filed. Already discussed that in numerous other articles. Then why is he running now? Well, he said he would run again back in October 2023 when asked by Al Dozier Irmo News, but so did Barry Walker after he lost the November 2023 election.

My guess is, that they both wanted to run, they both said they were. But based on Barry‘s prior racial thinking and strategies, they would hurt each other’s chances of winning if both ran. So decisions had to be made as to who would run. Coin toss, short straw or odds, not sure which, but it is evident by the one candidate filing on the very last day and hour that it was a strategy of waiting to last minute to be secretive, confuse the other candidate, or neither actually wanted to run.

My guess again is, one was afraid of losing, but never wanted to let Gabriel Penfield run without a challenger. So it wasn’t because either wanted to serve Irmo, just wanted to cause more strife, and trouble for others. This is not a great reason to run, nor is it about serving. But with some, I don’t expect more.

So moving on, to why he is running, why is he not out there campaigning? Where is George’s platform, mailouts, posts on social media, and signs? Well maybe a handful of signs, but really no true, hard, honest campaigning.

What about a sneak campaign? That’s where you don’t campaign hard, work quietly behind the scenes, have no mail outs, no social posting, stick up a few signs, and hope to “Lull” the other candidate into not working hard and the other side to not voting. If you can get a sizable number of your opponent’s voters to stay home and not vote, then maybe you can get your 50 votes, 100 votes to show up and make it close, maybe pull off an upset.

So yes, this is, in my opinion, their campaign strategy.

But don’t be fooled, don’t be “lulled” into thinking your vote doesn’t matter. Get out and vote for Gabriel Penfield, he is out there campaigning, knocking on doors, doing mailouts, and advertising.


Honestly campaigning. 

Honestly asking for your vote.

Honestly wanting to serve you. 

And not some foolish trickery.

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