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October 20, 2023


The short answer is no, yes, but not a qualified elector. So let’s backtrack and start with his Statement of Intention of Candidacy – NonPartisan.


That form was completed and turned into the Town of Irmo 8/28/23. With him listing 142 Rose Oak Dr as his address. According to Richland County Tax Records that property was sold September 30, 2022 to another person. According to his address on October 10, 2023 was at an apartment outside of the Town of Irmo off Bush River Rd, Columbia, SC 29210. And that site also listed him living at 142 Rose Oak Drive from 2017 to 2022. 


Copies of these documents along with others were given to Lexington County Election Commission at a Board Meeting I attended October 16, 2023. Another document included was a copy of a deed from 602 Timberleaf Ct, which is in the Town of Irmo with information to consider as to if this may in fact be his current address or possibly an address to be used as an in-town resident.


The Election Commission took these document to verify if in fact he lived in town and where, etc. He was contacted and from my understanding from the Election Commission he did state he did live at 602 Timberleaf Ct. And in fact, answered the door when I visited that address and knocked on the door.  He stated he lived there. So all is good, so to speak, but not. Remember he listed his address as 142 Rose Oak Dr which he did not reside at on 8/28/23 when he turned in his Statement of Candidacy.


Yes, it appears he may be or is an in-town resident, but it was later determined that even though he resided there, he had not in fact changed his voter registration to that address prior to the 30-day before election rule, if at all. Since he wasn’t registered to vote at that address he claimed as his residence, he is ineligible to vote in the November 7th 2023 Irmo Election. Therefore, he is not a “qualified elector”, and therefore can’t run for office in Irmo this election period.


It is beyond the 45-day time limit to remove his name from the ballot for November 7th 2023, so signs will be posted at polling places to discourage voters from voting for George Frazier.


A couple other issues concerning all of this:


When the Statement of Intention of Candidacy – NonPartisan was completed by him with a false address and signed, each candidate signs the Candidate’s Oath. That oath states “I affirm I meet, or will meet by the time of the General or Special Election, the qualifications for office”. Not sure if one is stating to meet residency requirements such as in-town at any address or at the address you put on the form. But if you knew you didn’t live in town at the time of signing and knew you didn’t live at the address used for a year, and knew you couldn’t move back into that address, and the fact of filing a government form with false information, possibly and from my understanding, is fraud and a possible felony for “lying” or providing false information to government, etc.


Not sure what all that says or where it goes. I may or may not at this time turn all this over to SLED and let them determine whether voter fraud and/or election fraud has been committed.


My intentions were to get to the bottom of all that has been reported and posted about two candidates and their residency. One, George Frazier, has been found to be ineligible and disqualified for running, with possible other consequences; the other may pass muster as far as Lexington County Elections Commission is concerned, but may not pass other looks from other agencies. Will decide soon how to proceed on both, but not at this writing.


The bigger question that has arisen is, if we look at years past and other candidates who have ran with “rumored” possible involvement with or from Barry Walker who did live in town, Sarah Watson, Michael Harris, but not elected, and to others with questions about their residency, Jenne Bennett, and now two more this election. 


So now I am left wondering is there some kind of conspiracy by one to commit some sort of election fraud by having people who do not reside in town run in an election, maybe knowing that if that election can be challenged and a new election be required, does that individual benefit by a new election which that individual lost?

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